Independence Day Celebration

- August 2019

Tekclan's new Chennai office at Ticel bio park had its first celebratory event as Independence day 2019 and we were glad it coincided with our 'Go green' theme. The entire office decor was done with sustainable and reusable elements and we went totally plastic free. The natural green indoor plants added to the flavor, the cloth flower garland looked as fresh and beautiful as natural flowers, the paper decor was simple yet so elegant and brightened up the entire space. We also tried something new and environment friendly this time. Seed flags - these flags once sown in the soil grow into beautiful saplings. The event was a huge success with everyone enthusiastically dressed up in the decided green color theme. We discussed what are the simple yet effective ways to contribute to the nation and some of the stories were truly inspirational. Tekclan believes in being the change we want to see and continue to inspire !!!😊😊